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Visit the website extensao.ara.ufsc.br (coming soon) to explore all the outreach projects at UFSC Araranguá Campus.



University outreach is understood as an educational, cultural, scientific and political interdisciplinary process that promotes the transforming interaction between the University and other society sectors. It is one of the keystones of higher education in Brazil, together with teaching and research. At UFSC, it is regulated by Normative Resolution no. 03/CUn/09.

UFSC Araranguá Campus’ outreach projects are designed to serve both the internal and external community, and are completely free of charge. Faculty, professionals and students work together to integrate knowledge and science into society’s daily life. These projects span a wide range of areas, including culture, art, sports, health, leisure, technology, innovation, entrepreneurship, internationalization, social inclusion, and environmental sustainability.

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