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Are you a Physiotherapy student? Access fisio.ufsc.br

Would you like to learn more about the program? Access portasabertas.ara.ufsc.br/fisioterapia

Created in 2010, the Physiotherapy program on the Araranguá Campus was the first health-related degree to be offered by a public institution in the southern region of the State of Santa Catarina. It aims to meet the regional demand for public, free and quality education.

The program trains professionals capable of finding and proposing solutions based on scientific knowledge and care resoluteness, from a technical-scientific and ethical-humanistic perspective, combining teaching, research and outreach.

The physiotherapist should be able to preserve, develop and functionally restore the integrity of body organs and systems, from the functional kinetic assessment to the physical and functional diagnosis, in several areas: primary care, pediatrics, orthopedics, traumatology and rheumatology, geriatrics, pulmonology, cardiology, gynecology and obstetrics, and dermatology.

The learning settings for Physiotherapy students include basic health units, APAE (Association of Parents and Friends of Exceptional Children), stud farms, nursing homes, community centers, medical clinics and hospitals.

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